Free Jewelry

May 16, 2006

You might be wondering why the heck you want free jewelry. Well, maybe you want it for yourself (the ladies), or maybe you gentlemen want to get something for your mom, your sister, your wife, your girlfriend, your friend, a boss, your daughter, who knows. The point is that you might just find someone to give it to. The Silver Jewelry Club cycles through a new offer every 5 minutes. There are 4 options on at each time and one new one will come on after the time is up. They have rings, earrings, and pendants. The stuff looks decent. The jewelry is free but you have to pay for shipping and handling which is $5.99. Not bad for a piece of jewelry. They claim to have no catch, that they are only trying to get some exposure. Well, once I find something I like enough, I might just purchase an item "for free" and see how it is. Pure sterling silver and real gemstones. I've done a small amount of research on this site and it looks legit. So get some jewelry for free + $5.99 s&h.

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